Friday, January 4, 2008

WCCO Followup

I got some very nice emails from the folks at WCCO after I fawned all over them yesterday. Top notch people.

I had asked aloud how they had orchestrated the nice anchor spots in a coffee shop.

Here is the explaination, courtesy the station's CSD - Casey Kespohl. It is a nice insight into how this top notch organization does their job:

Don -

“Coffee Talk” originated with the same old lame order : “Promote the Anchor Team”
Well, we did. Except we tried to hone in on what was real or natural about them, so we followed them around for a few days
and realized that they actually took a break before the 10p some evenings.

So, we went into serious production mode to capture compelling imagery there. We ran audio to a couple of cups on the table and gave them a few talking points.
We then wrote the spot after we shot and listened to what was real in there conversations. We added the cut-aways post shoot that made sense to the language of the spot
And wrote language around each spot for the payoffs (ie) “nice chemistry.” - that was written to compliment what Don was talking about, rather than trying to get him to act to support our “script”
It’s my opinion that’s why they feel natural.

None of this happened without talent that actually believes in our approach, trusts us and takes direction well.
Not to mention our group is strong at Directing, Design, Writing non-traditionally and always put on the filter of what not to do.
The precision that you refer to was in capturing beautiful, natural moments unscripted and writing to them.

A local Art Critic ( I know, bizarre . . ) referred to them as Fellini-esque !

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Station of the Year

Ok, I am impressed. It has been a long time since a station has really risen above the norm in my book. Sure, many stations do great promotion - but one has consistently done great creative.

So my first annual, IDOPROMOZ station of the year for 2007 is... WCCO.

They have used humor to really connect with viewers... have some interesting segments in their newscasts...

and promote that station unlike any other out there. Many stations try humor... WCCO succeeds.

Check out the 2 spots on 602communications page right now:

And how's this for a great idea? An entire newscast, live from the state fair, that's entirely powered by humans:

I think I've already mentioned these spots - but these are great ways to get your talent endeared to the audience. Plus some really good writing. I'd be very interested in knowing how these spots came about. I'd doubt they just rolled cameras... these are too good:

I think these guys are doing a fantastic job and if anyone else has any great WCCO spots - please share with the class.

And don't agree with me on this? Write and let us all know who you would vote for your station of the year.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Well, this is my first blog of the new year. Feeling good. Glad to be back at work after a nice, long, much needed holiday vacation.

Today I'd like to share some holiday spots. These are from WCBS, which I thought they did a nice job with. Simple, yet elegant.