Sunday, September 21, 2008

Microsoft: I'm a PC

Microsoft's answer to the "I'm a Mac" spots... pretty cool. Great take on the competition's ads.

What happened to those Seinfeld ads? Word is - they've been pulled. Microsoft claims they planned that all along.


I do think this is much better than Jerry's spots.


promoproducer said...

I wonder if the PC ads are too little too late. It seems they've taken their time in responding to the Mac ads.

ericamayer said...

i agree with them being too late...i definitely dig the concept, but it's a little too late in the game.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should take a poll of your users: What do you think about attacking the competition's ads in your own? Can you really base a campaign on it? What do your users think?

Anonymous said...

Stupid spots, no real position, except "hey, i want attention too!"

Anonymous said...

I disagree. Consumer loyalty isn't established rationally, So using a rational argument based on facts and figures will do squat. They need to make an emotional impact... they need to draw attention and it worked.

promoproducer said...

I agree they drew attention to themselves and made an impact, but consumer loyalty is established over time. Microsoft's image has been severely tarnished lately with no damage control for their windows problems and they haven't responded until now. Apple, on the other hand, took that information and ran with it from the start.