Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Someone Spent $$$ on This!!!

Wow. That is all I have to say.

You'll have to go to the site - as it won't allow embedding. It's worth it.


Promogirl said...

The thing that struck me about this promo (aside from the obvious) was that those of us outside the market have no idea if one of those women is the anchor. When they wave goodbye to the kids at the end the spot kind of sent the message that "Bobby has two mommies" if you know what I mean. ;-)

Victor said...

Wow! That was surreal! I love the robot smile that the one mommy has. Or maybe it's the anchor.

I don't know... I think this may be one of those promos I have to memorize or maybe make it my ringtone.

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show that not all morning show jingles are created equally. One of the you tube comments said the station dumped it.

Chris, Laura and Renee said...

This is so funny. I come to your site and check out your links and I went to look at this one thinking "I wonder who spent a lot of money", and it's MY frickin' promo!! Sweet!
Actually, we only spent about $1000 on the song... my GM was in a good mood the day I went to request a jingle. It wasn't even close to what I was looking for, but that's actually pretty cheap for a real jingle, so we kept it and just went a little cheesy with the promo.
Reason we dropped it was the news anchor was promoted to main anchor.