Tuesday, February 5, 2008

WTKR: New & Improved?

Oh boy, I don't know what to make of this spot. I'm taking the advice my mother gave me: "If you don't have anything nice to say - let others say it on your blog."

Thanks mom.


Anonymous said...

What the....?!?

And I'm sure they legally licensed the music, too.

Anonymous said...

That's one way to be different. I felt like I was on the outside of a very bad inside joke. I wouldn't take their newscasts seriously. Maybe they're trying to get the 25-54 crowd that still lives at home with their mothers.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Cheesy. Corny. Not a classy way to promote theie "new & improved" news. (In my humble opinion!)

Anonymous said...

To be constructive, instead of a jerk, this "style" (I use that term very loosely) of promo would be better suited for a syndicated, entertainment "new and improved" lineup promo on a Fox or CW affiliate, NOT a newscast.

Here's a question, do you ever really admit "new and improved"? I think that's something you let the viewers decide for themselves. Seriously, if you can't get viewers to notice "an improvement", then you didn't change something enough.

Victor said...


Anonymous said...

Less than two decades ago, WTKR was number one in the market. Now, they're an embarrassing bottom feeder in Hampton Roads. You can just sense the low morale in everything they do. It's just sad, really.