Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Super Investigators!

Check out this very interesting spot from WBBM in Chicago:

Pretty attention getting... not quite sure what I think about it.

What do you think? Comment below...


Anonymous said...

What was the basic point of this? The graphic approach does, indeed, cut through the clutter. But the read by the announcer didn't really support the spot as is. And again, what is the point of making your kick-it investigators into cartoons? Does that say something on a different level that they might not want to say?


I think I agree. Its an attention getting device - but do viewers get an unsaid message -- that these guys aren't as serious as they should be?

I also don't like never seeing what these people actually look like.

Anonymous said...

I think there was enough hard sots to help balance it out, although I wouldn't use this style for my investigative team. I would use it for my feature/entertainment reporter, my sports team and maybe my morning team if they're more laid back.

Anonymous said...

I think the use of real sots gives it the needed credibility. I also think we don't always give viewers enough credit. They're smart enough to realize that these people take their jobs seriously and that this is a commercial that advertises what the Investigators do. I might have added an illustrated frame of the open dress shirt revealing the station logo a la Superman.

Anonymous said...

This station does quite a bit of investigative imaging. It's always quite good and this spot is no exception.

It doesn't damage the credibility of the reporters and it provides creative execution that makes the message memorable.

"Faster than a call to city hall."
I'm totally using that one! :-)


I will buy that arguement.

It's hard to make judgements on one spot and if the station does a ton of investigative promotion and uses this kind of creative approach to get attention with this one particular spot - then I think that's cool.

So many stations are afraid of taking creative risks. I applaud them for trying something different.

Anonymous said...

I think it's way cool. The "Faster than a call to city hall" line is great, The animation is clean and clever. Simple but with those great details put into comic books. Anyone notice the photog with the cubs hat on backwards at the end? Go Cubbies!