Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New WKMG Campaign

This is from WKMG in Orlando. Its their new "Never Miss a Moment" campaign.

Some spots are ok. Some make me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

They are definately going for the emotional sell with several - ala Publix Grocery Stores, which I've blogged about here before. (use the nifty search option to the right to search Publix)

The others take a stab at humor, which is always tricky.

All in all - I give them props for trying something new in this market.

But in the end - they just don't hit the mark in my mind. This is all so contrived - I don't think viewers can take it seriously. And the beauty of the Publix/"tug at the heartstrings" spots is somehow completely lost here.


Victor said...

These are all nicely produced (but cheesily acted). However, I hate all of them for exactly the reasons you described.

I get the idea behind the connection, but there's no emotional connection that ties it to news. In fact, the more I think about it, the less viable that connection becomes.

I'm supposed to connect these made up moments with real moments of news coverage? (none of which will ever look like the events in these promos)

On a side note, I think they missed an opportunity with the 50th anniversary surprise party. They should have had mom and dad talking all suggestively to each other as they approach their home, all ready to get it on, maybe the dad even talking about how his viagra is kicking in, then they open the door and "surprise!"

"Wish you could miss some moments?"

Anonymous said...

This is like when the crappy movie gets a great cinematographer. Well shot, but so what? The story and the acting both suck. The "touching" ones were better, but not by much.

Not once in watching any of these did I think about what makes me care about news. The tag line is such a stretch to tie back into the product.

Not only could you replace the logo with the competitors'...you could replace it with any product...Vienna Sausages, for instance, and it's just as effective. Which is to say it's not at all.

Anonymous said...

They're like the "want to get away?" southwest spots only not as funny. Nothing wrong with ripping off a good idea and porting it to local tv.

I liked a couple of them... Not bad.

Anonymous said...

i couldn't agree more. the publix ads work because they're all centered around great looking food. but here there is no connection to the actual product.

i think we're all trying to find a way to make our spots have that emotional connection. but this simply doesn't work. i think its a combination of the bad acting... the cliche stories... and even the music choice to some extent.

its a hard task to try and create spots that make viewers feel something. but i think its also important to remember that we need to tie our product into that emotional connection. otherwise, anyone can slap their logo onto the end of these things.

some good examples of what not to do, imho. especially that first one with the mom and dad make-out session. yuck! i nearly couldn't finish watching it.

Anonymous said...

i bet you a dollar that they didn't properly clear that music. we're talking HUGE bucks and i doubt a station in Orlando would spend that amount.

Anonymous said...

Where do you get the cash in today's market for the actors, production man hours and my god, popular music, to do this?

If they were even watchable, then maybe, just maybe.