I love football.. I love college football.. I played HS football all four years... And Don, I have no clue why TV stations hold it in such high regard.
I've never been in a bar and overheard nor partaken in a conversation about how "Central will do this year."
Heck, you have Texas connections,Don, you should be explaining this to US.
You ask a good question about HS football...and local news sports in general. Anyone care?
Sports takes a back seat and is rarely promoted at my station. I also don't live in state that puts a big emphasis on sports. Avails are precious and we have other priorities here...especially weather.
Don't know about everywhere else, but trust me, if you live in certain parts of the south, high school football is huge. Towns literally revolve around it. Families depend on it. Local TV would be wrong to not embrace it in these areas.
Anyone else disturbed by the way the sports guy seems to stroke the t-shirt launcher? And what kind of sports guy watches Glee? I too am surprised that Atlanta is spending avails on high school football. Don't they have an NFL team? I would love to hear what kind of number increase high school football gets anyone. It is a fun spot and I'd love to do a HS football spot, but I've yet to hear any proof that it actually draws viewers.
We give it the promo treatment it deserves, which is none unless a sponsor signs on. Then we quickly throw a hackneyed excuse for a promo together and stick a sponsor logo on the end. If sales wants to run it, they can do so out of their time...not mine.
Some of the HS football spots you put on here are great. I hope it's a ratings draw for those stations to justify the effort. It's not for us.
I love football.. I love college football.. I played HS football all four years... And Don, I have no clue why TV stations hold it in such high regard.
I've never been in a bar and overheard nor partaken in a conversation about how "Central will do this year."
Heck, you have Texas connections,Don, you should be explaining this to US.
You ask a good question about HS football...and local news sports in general. Anyone care?
Sports takes a back seat and is rarely promoted at my station. I also don't live in state that puts a big emphasis on sports. Avails are precious and we have other priorities here...especially weather.
Thoughts about sports promotions?
Don't know about everywhere else, but trust me, if you live in certain parts of the south, high school football is huge. Towns literally revolve around it. Families depend on it. Local TV would be wrong to not embrace it in these areas.
C'mon, guys: "Friday Night Lights?" Doesn't anyone watch this show? HS football is bigger than chlamydia* in some Southern states.
* (As far as "# of people reached" and not popularity.)
Anyone else disturbed by the way the sports guy seems to stroke the t-shirt launcher? And what kind of sports guy watches Glee? I too am surprised that Atlanta is spending avails on high school football. Don't they have an NFL team? I would love to hear what kind of number increase high school football gets anyone. It is a fun spot and I'd love to do a HS football spot, but I've yet to hear any proof that it actually draws viewers.
We give it the promo treatment it deserves, which is none unless a sponsor signs on. Then we quickly throw a hackneyed excuse for a promo together and stick a sponsor logo on the end. If sales wants to run it, they can do so out of their time...not mine.
Some of the HS football spots you put on here are great. I hope it's a ratings draw for those stations to justify the effort. It's not for us.
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