Thursday, June 7, 2012

Raleigh's Invisible Homeless

Powerful stories from WRAL in Raleigh.  Here is the original promo, which was more of a web play(1:00 spot!)

Here is the follow up to the story:

I love seeing newscasts being used to tell real stories and helping make real change in the lives of viewers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way too drawn out. Especially the original :60 promo. There were unnecessary bites that didn't help. This whole story could have been teased better in :15 seconds. The long drawn out approach is too slow and not intriguing enough to stick around to watch. It's disappointing because this definitely could have been better.

The follow up spot is lacking a lot as well. The inflection and read gave me the feeling that you were about to tell me a fairy tale novel. Either that or this is an opening to an unsolved mystery.

And the music doesn't match the feeling of the spot. It's very driven and this is supposed to be a "heart-felt" humanitarian promo. The music sounds like it would be in a trailer for the movie "Requiem for a Dream."

As a promo producer, manager, and/or director, these issues should have been addressed before it hit air.