Thursday, August 16, 2012

WRAL: Innovating the 7-Day Forecast

Its pretty rare that you see anything different in local news.  Everything seems the same -- newscast to newscast.

WRAL in Raleigh-Durham is doing something that seems different and more informative.  This promo is a simple demonstration of how they're getting much more detail into their 7-Day.

It may be the same information that was formally found in other parts of the forecast -- but viewers just may give them more credit now for being super informative.



Anonymous said...

you dont need a sound effect for EVERY transition, let alone the SAME sound effect...

Mike B. said...

Too busy.

Anonymous said...

Too busy?! I was going to say too bland. Boring blue, similiar shots and soundbites back to back mixed with a creepy Seinfeld-esque endplate.
If this were playing in a standard pod, it would have gone totally unnoticed. Jo-Ann fabrics called- they want their wallpaper back...