Friday, February 7, 2014


Two new image spots from KNBC in LA.  Slick spots with a bit of attitude:


Paul said...

I'm just going to keep clicking the "Nice!" button until I figure out how to execute the video to 3D sections so seamlessly.

That's one hotshot editor they have there!

bent said...

They're great spots, but I wonder if KNBC is having the same discussion my station is.

We've been "Channel 4" for about 60 years, but now with satellite TV, multiple cable systems and HD vs SD most of our viewers don't actually watch us on channel #4.

chris said...

The opening line sets up a promise that the rest of the spot can't make good on. "News coverage isn't all the same", but then they go on to tell us what separates them is a chopper, a bunch of vans, and a staff? Everybody has that. Then goes into a bunch of un-provable claims of "hard working", and "fair". Not feeling this.

Anonymous said...

Someone else liked these spots a lot!!!