Thursday, October 30, 2008

KOB "Important to You" Campaign

We saw KOB's election campaign earlier this week -- now comes a news image campaign.

I like these alot better -- note the excellent use of nat sound in these. Nice, simple, beautifully shot.

KOB loves the B&W and lack of music... lol. I think it works here.


Victor said...

Nicely produced. I REALLY like the effect of going from a still image to a moving image that is almost a still image. Nice.

But I have a fundamental problem with the vagueness of the message of the spots-- What do they mean? What is the "...and therefore, --" second part of the statement? "...and therefore, we're only going to show you news that we think you care about" ? Or maybe, "...and therefore, you can be sure we're going to cover stories like these" ?

What's the promise that's being made that's different than what every other news channel or magazine or newspaper can also make?

These spots are just TELLING us that these issues are important to the station. I think the spots need to take it a step further and SHOW it.

For example, what I would have perhaps done is take the same issues portrayed in the spots and have the anchors personalize them. I think it would have been effective to have an anchor talk about how much the gas prices affected him or her. Or a reporter worried about her child's education. Or an anchor talking about a health issue they or a family member went through recently where they had to wait for hours, or didn't have a procedure covered by insurance. Surely one of the news team has someone that is serving in Iraq or is directly affected by the war. With that Arkansas anchors recent beating death, I'm sure that anchors and reporters are extra interested in safety.

These sorts of things SHOW that the news team is not just reporting these things, but are intensely interested in them because they are directly affected.

I think you could have some spots like I've just described, and keep the ones you've already done, but intersperse them all together and you'll have a very effective campaign.

Anonymous said...

Ditto what Vic said.