Friday, November 19, 2010

November Promos

Can this sweeps period just end, please?

I hope everyone is doing great this November. We're all looking forward to the long Thanksgiving weekend.

Here are a few promos from around the country. Which are your favorites?


Unknown said...

The broadband promo is effective. Grabs your attention, has a viewer benefit - nicely crafted

Brian said...

I see the hot new trend in promotions for the November book is to go sans-music.

That said, great spots all around.

Chris said...

The Notary spot was most effective, because the reporter spoke plainly to the viewer with no promo-talk. However, the Broadband makes me want to watch. Creatively sold. Bullying felt overly simple and I think poorly cast. The kid could have been either the bully or the bullied. The DIY spot was filled with cliche and bad acting. One more example of how we news people think we can solve everyone's problems in a 1:30. I'm guilty of producing these kind of spots too.