Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's Good to Know

Nicely done spots out of Grand Rapids:


Evil Monkey said...

These spots look awesome. They cut through the clutter. They're engaging and cool. But how do they get people to watch their news? Are they saying, "watch tonight, you'll learn some fun but useless trivia."? That's what they say to me. Maybe that's their brand. My guess is they don't do much to gain viewers.

That said, I'd put these on my reel if I were the artist.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliments. We're attempting to associate knowing interesting stuff with our news brand. You watch the spots, you think to yourself, "Huh. I did not know that. That's kind of interesting." and then you see our brand. Now you have something you can tell someone else. Thanks to us. Then the next time you think about local news, you may think to yourself, "Hey, that Fox17 is interesting, turn them on." That's our whole idea behind the It's Good to Know campaign.

Pepe said...

I like the NEWS spot, the last spot and the local city grid spot.

These seem to talk to the viewer more than the others but I like them all.

The idea that every single spot has to spell out how you cover news for the viewer is silly and old. This is advertising, and the spots that may not have direct links to local news are still setting a tone for the station.

Nice Job.