Monday, February 7, 2011

News in HD

KWWL says: "We wanted to promote the fact that our news is in HD, but we can't air HD spots. So we had to get a little creative."

Here are two spots:


Brian said...

Nice original spots, but if I was watching their HD channel on my HDTV I'd be frustrated as hell trying to figure out what was wrong with my TV! :-)

Chris said...

Good point Brian. How many of you are producing your spots in HD? We're HD news, but SD spots too. It really sucks for all conversions we have to do.

Brian said...

At my +100 market shop I shoot image spots in HD. Our studio's still SD and so is everything else from topicals to POPs. I just can't be bothered up-rezzing that much footage on a regular basis.

Paul said...

In Orlando we have HD promotion, HD studio cams, and an HD Chopper.

Unfortunately everything shot in the field is just 16x9.

I hate tainting my awesome spots with that SD b-roll :b