Monday, May 19, 2008

New Weather Spot

Our friend Paul Greeley sent along this spot, that highlights the 35 years of experience of main weatherman Gary England at KWTV in Oklahoma City. This spot doesn't have a bunch of fancy graphics - but the use of archive footage really helps sell the point.

Let us and Paul know what you think... comment below!


Anonymous said...

Too long. I zoned out after about :20

Anonymous said...

I did too.

A little too much about you and not about me (the viewer).

Seems to have a pretty low impact quotient...meaning, you're gonna have to run this a million times for the message to finally sink in.

Mike Lange said...

Around :20 I zoned out too. There we too many statistics and numbers, and not enough about viewers.

The spot does clearly convey the fact that Mr. England has years of experience, but it's done in such a logical way, the way the doesn't work so well for ads.

The spot makes me understand Mr. England's depth of experience, but it doesn't make me feel good or bad about it.

Anonymous said...

The spot is just too "bare bones" for :60.

There's some great archive video and sound, but nothing was done to hold your attention. It was like watching an archived news reel with boring music in the background. I can't even remember the VO.

It just feels like it needs a theme.

Anonymous said...

Can someone pass the NoDoz? This looks like one of those "let's run it during overnight when there's a ton of airtime to fill" spots. Too many stats for my liking. How about knocking it down to a :30? Use your archive bites and use vo at the end like "there for you for more than 35 years..." and then station branding.

Anonymous said...

I agree, it felt long and plodding. Perhaps start out with the 1000 tornadoes, 100,000 thunderstorms, 60 ice storms... just as a quick fast paced intro... then get to Gary seeing/doing it all... and make it a 30. Lots of good archive stuff to work with.

Anonymous said...

Yep, waaay too long and repeated video.

Anonymous said...

I like the premise a lot. If your meteorologist is already universally popular, then what is there left to sell? If you have a Gary England, I think it's OK to have a reminder promo like this every now and then, just to keep up the top-of-mind awareness. The line, "thanks for 35 years" makes it sound like he's gonna retire, which is misleading.

As for execution, I agree this needs to be cut to a :30. The stats, which are impressive, would still fit, and if anything, just use more of the old footage for the wow effect and leave the current video for the end.