Monday, September 6, 2010

Weather in Atlanta

Are we EVER going to get past explaining how weather technology can prepare and protect your family? WE GET IT!!!


Anonymous said...

You know for a nice size market they are doing some old school spots.

Anonymous said...

"Are we EVER going to get past explaining how weather technology can prepare and protect your family? WE GET IT!!!"

Yes, we as promotion people get it. But honestly, are we sure our viewers are getting it? Especially if our station can't afford the research to see if the message is getting across.

Years ago, someone told me that you had to tell your message seven times before the viewer "gets it". I know I have to keep hammering home the same old stuff, just find creative ways to do it.

Anonymous said...

To the comment above. Viewers get it, because everything mentioned in those promos are "no duh." Those messages have been hammered home for YEARS. Give me something new. And weather technology is not a selling point anymore.

Old and tired spots and station in the country can do, but shouldn't.

Anonymous said...

This is very disappointing. Especially for such a high-profile station in a top 10.

Anonymous said...

At my station, we had research done about three years ago. It said that 42% of our viewers think that The Weather Channel has better weather technology than we do. So for three years now, I've had to keep telling viewers that we have essentially the same tools as everybody else. Personally, I think our research was in error.