Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Favorite Technique

I've worked in 2 markets where serial killers were big stories. In Houston, it was Coral Eugene Watts. In Orlando, Danny Rolling.

That's a good thing... because I was able to reuse my idea in Houston here in Orlando! Its perfect for serial killer stories or any investigation-type promo.

I HATE just using news footage and calling it a day. I always like to find a way to make the piece more organic. More visually stimulating.

So what I do is print out pictures of the serial killer, the crime scene, the victims, etc. -- type up a few words and cut them out (ex. CORAL EUGENE WATTS) and tack them to a cork board. Then, we do wild rack focus shots, close ups of the pics and words. It makes for a nice, jumpy, CSI-type spot. Check out the one we did for one crazy mo-fo... Danny Rolling.


Anonymous said...

I liked the minimal sound track --- It really drives the focus to the visuals.
The simple visual concept, when intercut with actual news footage, really created a higher intensity than just straight footage.
Very well done!

Anonymous said...

When I'm caught and a series of news promos are done about my arrest and eventual execution, I will request you personally to do the promos. Assuming you're still able to...


And have no fear... you WILL be caught.