Monday, February 8, 2010

Local Super Bowl Spots

The Super Bowl is a great platform for advertisers, including local stations. What a great way to get your message out there in front of tons of people who may not watch you normally.

Stations go all out trying to get attention with some interesting creative. Here are a few... more to come.

KHOU: With You Every Step of the Way

KPHO: Tell It Like It Is

KOVR: Lawmaker Relief


Nathan said...

This is the promo my local station, WTKR ran using the "here's why we're different" concept:

They mention the competition. Thoughts?

Unknown said...

The KHOU spot rocks. Nice job.

Anonymous said...

The KHOU spot rocks. Nice job.

Chris said...

Should I tell it like it is? The KPHO spots were probably decent on paper, but the acting was brutal. That ruined the spots for me. Production was top notch, though.

On the other hand, the KHOU spot was superb. Real, not forced and believable. The difference here is that the KHOU spot was honest and made with the viewer in mind, not self serving like most news promos we all produce.

Anonymous said...

KHOU was awesome. So glad I didn't see computer screen images floating through the air, like so many "we're everywhere." spots. It was real nice.

The first KPHO spot with the couple in bed was tasteless, and the acting for them all was awful.

Lawmaker relief, eh.

scooterbucs said...

KHOU- Great creative. Shows all of their platforms. Targeted the right demo for Super Bowl. Great use of time and money.

KPHO- Sorry, swing and miss. It's a given that we're supposed to "tell it like it is." Nice job thinking out of the box, though.

KOVR- It took me a while to catch on but liked where it was going - until the end. There's no "reason to watch." Instead, it tells the viewer how they should think. Nicely shot and edited.