Friday, February 12, 2010

WNBC Promos


Brian said...

Chuck: nice honest piece.
Janice: Forced and blah.
Sue: hit just about every copy point WVIT's Olympics image promo had in it tonight.

PhotogSteve said...

The Janice one was really bad, why was there a cut shot of the brake light again?? Brian is right it was forced, fake and not well produced. The Sue one was not bad but I did not see the WVIT promo.

Anonymous said...

Really? The Janice one didn't seem forced at all.

The Olympic committee took down Chuck's so I can't see it.

Sue's was good, but she needed a different shirt, and the angles or something made her look more like a little old lady.

Anonymous said...

Grand Central spot - she looks old and doddering, out of place in Grand Central where others seem to be trying to get on with their day. Ironically, she comes across as someone who isn't in tune with the city.
Taxi spot - terrible.

Anonymous said...

"Boo" to Chuck spot. This made him look like he's stuck in a time-warp. (yes, the promo is disabled here but I saw it on TV. It didn't have any Olympics footage but that was probably a temporary add-on during the games.)
He's sitting in a diner and lectures some guy about New York. The guy sits there ramrod straight, looking like he's asleep with his eyes open.
Chuck says "New York will make a comeback" and goes on and on about New Yorkers' resilience. Did they shoot this after 9/11 and didn't air it until now? It makes no sense in 2010. Bad idea to make Chuck seem irrelevant, guys.
"???" to Janice spot. No meat on the bones of this idea at all.
"Okay" to the Sue promo only when comparing it to the other two. Next time shoot it in a more flattering way.